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Net-Metering - Reliable Storage & backup Solution

Netting of produced and consumed energy, known as Net-Metering, is one of the tools for promoting self-production and self-consumption with RES.

Reliable Storage & backup Solution

With Net-Metering, the consumer is given the chance to cover a significant part of his own consumption, while at the same time he can use the network for indirect storage of green energy. Adding the environmental and energy implications, the installation of PV systems, apart from being particularly interesting, helps to eliminate our energy footprint on the environment.

NanoDomi has the experience and knowledge to be your reliable partner and ensure the return on your investment in savings.

Advantages of self-production (Net-Metering) with photovoltaics

1. Possibility of zeroing the cost of electricity, regardless of future increases in electricity tariffs, because the netting is energy and not accounting.

2. Viable model of sustainable development of renewable energy sources. Net-Metering does not burden the system and other consumers! On the contrary, it contributes to the stabilization of the network and harmonizes with future “smart grid” norms where production should be done close to consumption. That is why it has been applied without revisions for many years.

3. Chance of zeroing the cost of heating-cooling-domestic hot water (DHW), with the parallel use of heat pumps. Read here the example of combining a PV self-generation system with a heat pump which is the optimal solution to ensure FREE ELECTRICITY AND HEATING FOREVER!!!

4. Upgrades the energy class and value of the property. It is harmonized with the New Building Regulation.

5. In relation to autonomous systems, the energy that is produced and not consumed at that moment (or as long as the batteries are charged), is not lost!!! Instead, it is carried forward up to a year, to offset days when production is less than consumption.

What is self-production and how does it work?

The photovoltaic systems, which we install as part of Net-Metering, are connected to the public grid. The electricity they produce, you use for the needs of the property and in case of excess energy, is absorbed by the energy manager’s network and then offset. The netting is energy. At the end of each measurement period, the amount owed to PPC will be equal to the value of kilowatt hours (kWh), resulting from the difference between the energy we produce and the energy we consume. If the difference is zero then we will not pay for the electricity we consumed. In case the difference is surplus, then the excess energy is transferred to the next account. This will be done until the annual cycle is closed. To measure the electricity produced by the Photovoltaic system, a meter is installed, which measures the energy absorbed by the PPC network from the photovoltaic system.

What does the ministerial decision provide for self-production?

With the implementation of this decision, the self-production of energy from photovoltaic systems becomes attractive. Also, energy compensation (Net-Metering) is established for the first time. Specifically, the Decision provides for the following:

  • Self-production in Medium and Low Voltage.
  • It only applies to photovoltaic systems.
  • Natural persons (business or not), and legal persons of public and private law, who either own the space in which the photovoltaic system will be installed, or have the legal use of it (e.g. through lease, free concession etc.) and have secured the written consent of the site owner.
  • For Interconnected Systems (including Crete) it applies that the maximum permissible power of a photovoltaic plant is up to 5kWp for single-phase systems, while for three-phase systems 100% of the agreed power applies (250kWp maximum for Low Voltage and 3,000kWp maximum for Medium Voltage).
  • The limitation of 3,000 kWp does not apply to the legal entity of the state or legal entities of public or private law that pursue public or other public interest purposes, of general or local scope.
  • For the Non-Interconnected Islands the upper power limits of generating stations are up to 5kWp for single-phase systems, while for three-phase systems 100% of the agreed power and up to 100kWp (for Low/Medium Voltage) apply.
  • In special cases, the maximum power limits are changed and determined by DEDDIE according to the capacity/potential of the network of the respective area or the legal form of the interested party.
  • These photovoltaic systems can be installed on buildings or on land, or other structures, including those of the primary sector (agricultural warehouses, livestock units, etc.) in accordance with the existing urban planning legislation.
  • Self-producers will pay ETMEAR only for the electricity they absorb in total from the Grid or System.
  • The energy netting will be done annually on the self-producer’s electricity bill.

The services of NanoDomi and its partner network

Thanks to our long-term experience in installation applications and photovoltaic dimensioning studies, NanoDomi undertakes throughout Greece (through its network of agent-partners) to design and install the Net-Metering self-production system. In this way, you make an investment that will ensure maximum returns over time and meet your individual needs. We undertake the entire process for you, suggesting the best solution.

To prepare the economic and technical study for each PV system, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  1. Analysis of the area and the residence, i.e. calculation of solar radiation and shading in the area and installation location.
  2. Recording of energy requirements, i.e. recording of all devices that consume electricity and calculation of the necessary load to cover them, as well as the fluctuations due to the type of load and their synchronization. Study of PPC’s old accounts.
  3. Evaluation of the technical characteristics of the system and selection, based on real needs, of the equipment to be used.

To find out about the procedure you are following, read the detailed guide of the association of photovoltaic companies.

For anything you need, don't hesitate to contact us!